Extend your cloud

Extend Cloud streamlines engineering efforts on the cloud.

Main Features

We strive to keep our platform simple, affordable and easy to use. We let customer leverage services built by other cloud providers.

Simple Egress

Flat rate fee of $0.01/GiB, don't ever worry about egress fees when growing.

AMD Compute

All our intances are powered by AMD EPYC processors. Get the latest processors for the fraction of the price.

Single Tenant

All instances are 100% yours, no other customer workloads will run on the same hardware.

Industry Uptime

99.99% SLA for our instances and network distributed across multiple locations in a region.

Cloud Interconnect

Dedicated connection to AWS, GCP, Azure, CloudFlare, easily extend your exisitng VPCs.

No Upfront Fees

Our pricing is simple and you don't need to pay any upfront fees or do any kind of reservations.

Simple and Affordable Pricing

All instances are AMD EPYC powered with Dedicated CPU and hardware.

Backed with NVMe storage with 33,000MB/s read and 27,000MB/s write throughput per node

Single tenancy = Greater Peformance.
